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Nutrient Requirements Across Age Groups

Paper Type: Free Essay Subject: Nutrition
Wordcount: 1482 words Published: 18th May 2020

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 In this assignment we will be looking at the nutrient requirements for all age groups from childhood all the way to older adulthood.  Additionally, key nutrients will be discussed with their importance based on each age group as well as age appropriate foods.

Children 2-8 years of age

One key nutrient that is important for children ages 2 through 8 would include iron.  According to Grosvenor & Smolin (2018), children do not consume the right amount of iron in their diet however, this vitamin is one that is important for growth and development.  Also, iron is a counterpart of hemoglobin that is responsible for transporting oxygen away from the lungs to the rest of the body (Gavin, 2016).  Iron is said to be one of the nutrients that children get the least of in their diet.  However, two age appropriate foods for this age group includes iron-fortified breakfast cereals and meats such as beef (Grosvenor & Smolin, 2018).

Adolescents 9-18 years of age

 One key nutrient for adolescents ages 9 through 18 years may include vitamin D.  Therefore, vitamin D is important due to its role in keeping bones healthy since the bones in adolescents grow at a faster rate (Grosvenor & Smolin, 2019).  Also, vitamin D goes hand and hand with calcium, without vitamin D calcium cannot be absorbed (Grosvenor & Smolin, 2018).  However, vitamin D is found in some foods that are fortified but the best source to obtain this vitamin is through the sun.  Furthermore, foods sources for vitamin D that would be appropriate for this age group include milk and eggs.



Adults 19-64 years of age

 One key nutrient that is important for adults 19 through 64 years old includes vitamin C.  This nutrient is responsible for eye health and aids in healthy oral surfaces, and vessels (American Optometric Association, n.d.).  Also, vitamin C is important for protecting the body from the common cold and makes the immune system stronger (Wong, 2019).  Furthermore, these adults require vitamin C because helps to heal wounds and has antioxidant properties which shields against free radical that occurs from environment or when food is digested (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2017).  Lastly, two foods that would be appropriate for this age group includes orange juice, oranges, grapefruit and spinach (American Optometric Association, n.d.).

Adults 65 and older

 One key nutrient that is important for adults 65 and older is calcium.  Therefore, the importance of calcium in older adults is it helps to prevent bones from becoming weak and fragile that are prone to developing osteoporosis (Grosvenor & Smolin, 2018).  However, when people get older calcium absorption decreases so, it is very important that this age group gets the adequate amount in their diet.  Therefore, older adult men are recommended to get 1000 mg/day and adult women 1200 mg/day (Grosvenor & Smolin, 2018).  In addition, there are foods that are a good source of calcium that this age group can incorporate in their diet each day.  The food sources that would be most appropriate are milk, collard greens, broccoli, sardines.  Furthermore, if the person cannot consume dairy products and is lactose intolerant alternatives like almond, rice and soymilk are available (NOF, n.d.).

            All the age groups have certain nutrients that are needed to help the body function and to stay healthy.  Therefore, eating foods that have these nutrients can help us from getting a cold, preventing bone loss, boost our immune system and help growth and development.

Peer Reviewed Article

Author: B Olmedilla* & F Granado

Date of Publication: March 1, 2000

Title of Article: Growth and micronutrient needs of adolescents

Source: European Journal of Clinical Nutrition

 What are micronutrients and how are they classified?  The arrangement of micronutrients is compiled of recommended vitamins and minerals mandatory for growth and development.  They are also an application of macronutrients and aid against the harmful effects of diseases.  Micronutrients are based on needs and absorption is usually the major component of bioavailability and used for a metabolic purpose.  Assessment on foods that are branded with steady or harmful isotopes, tolerance tests and growth measurements are procedures for measuring micronutrient bioavailability.  Insufficient quantities of vital micronutrients such as low protein impacted children after supplementation with energy-rich foods has been detected small amounts of supplementation trials.  Raised the question of whether micronutrient absences harm direct development in youth.   Connections including iron with vitamin C intensifies non-heme iron absorption.  An example of limitations of micronutrients are high intakes of non-heme iron reduce the ability for zinc to be used by the body.  Another limitation would be zinc stops the ability for vitamin A to be absorbed throughout the body.  Lastly, enormous doses of zinc causes anemia that are not active to iron supplements.  There are a variety of exchanges that can halt absorptions of micronutrients or advance absorption.  The study to prevention of chronic adult diseases that may begin in youth.  Micronutrients used to raise immunity and fight infections is imperative to study micronutrient needs in youth to later avoid lifelong adult diseases. 

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Depending on the activity of the youth or adult related to the need of micronutrient it is important to take supplements and drink protein shakes.  Vegetables and fruit have the recommended micronutrients along with herbs.  Protein is important to take at least half your weight to promote an overall macronutrient growth.  Get tested regularly by my doctor for vitamins and minerals being used in the body.  If the test shows anemia it is important to not take Zinc. 



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